Essential Viewing

#LexWeek: Essential Viewing

It’s Day Two of #LexLugerWeek, the eighteenth installment of our (patent pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. Today, we give you the finer points of the Larry Pfohl oeuvre with some Essential Viewing (Bruiser Brody no-sell freak out not included, but don’t worry, we’ll get there.)


While You (And By You, I Mean Me) Were Out

Over the course of three days, Dave will be reviewing the past month of Impact Wrestling action in anticipation of Thursday night’s Genesis Free-for-View (or whatever it is they call the things that used to be PPVs that they were losing money on). Here’s Part Two: the 1/2/2014 show.

A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better

#LugerWeek: Better Know a Wrestler

It’s Day One of #LexLugerWeek, the eighteenth installment of our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. As always, we’ll start by making Lex Luger a Wrestler You (Should) Probably Know Better.

Professional Wrestling

While You (And By You, I Mean Me) Were Out

Over the next three days, Dave will be reviewing the past month in Impact Wrestling action in anticipation of Thursday night’s Genesis Free-for-View (or whatever it is they call the things that used to be PPVs that they were losing money on). Here’s part one: the 12/26 show.