
While You (And By You, I Mean Me) Were Out

Over the course of three days, Dave will be reviewing the past month of Impact Wrestling action in anticipation of Thursday night’s Genesis Free-for-View (or whatever it is they call the things that used to be PPVs that they were losing money on). Here’s Part Two: the 1/2/2014 show.

A Wrestler You Should Probably Know Better

#LugerWeek: Better Know a Wrestler

It’s Day One of #LexLugerWeek, the eighteenth installment of our (patent-pending) Juice Make Sugar Wrestler of the Week series. As always, we’ll start by making Lex Luger a Wrestler You (Should) Probably Know Better.

Professional Wrestling

While You (And By You, I Mean Me) Were Out

Over the next three days, Dave will be reviewing the past month in Impact Wrestling action in anticipation of Thursday night’s Genesis Free-for-View (or whatever it is they call the things that used to be PPVs that they were losing money on). Here’s part one: the 12/26 show.